How we farm

Our farming principles

The guiding principles of our approach to farming are:

  • Improvement of land and soil quality
  • Investment in people, equipment, technology and strategies

  • Environmental sustainability

  • Informed decision-making through data analysis

  • Attention to detail

With customers becoming more aware than ever of the provenance of their food, we already have the systems and processes in place to provide the data required for increasing consumer demands. As part of our farming strategy we reduce the use of pesticides and use natural predators where possible. We take a long-term sustainable approach to farming that is commercially successful and profitable, as well as environmentally sustainable.

Soil Health

  • We use soil testing to improve your soils’ productivity, structure and the long-term sustainability of your crop production.
  • We have a strong focus on protecting and improving the soils which underpin your farm’s long-term profitability, by using various initiatives detailed in our brochure.
  • We employ an independent soil expert to work alongside the team, developing and deploying a long-term soil management plan to better understand the current condition of your soils and build an end-to-end strategy. As a result, not only will there be long-term improvement in soil health and reduced inputs, but also an increase in your farm’s sustainability and productivity.


  • We believe in a long-term sustainable crop rotation to maintain a strong net margin
  • We review the varieties of all crops on an annual basis and confirm the selection of the most appropriate with our agronomist, depending on the farm’s soils and the desired output of the farming unit

  • Cropping trials are regularly undertaken and visited to view first- hand the pros and cons of each variety


  • The accurate and efficient use of technology is critical to sustain a profitable agricultural business. Omnia Precision, a multi-dimensional analysis tool which analyses our precision farming data, enables us to counteract the ever-increasing cost of farming inputs
  • This system enables soil applications, soil texture and analysis, NDVI and aerial photography, yield mapping and field application plans to be viewed in a layered format. It also increases the efficiency of input applications, identifies problem areas at the earliest possible opportunity and enables variable rate seed, fertiliser and lime applications

The Environment

We are fully aware of the impact an arable farming operation has on all aspects of the environment. Increasing biodiversity and minimising environmental impact are key priorities, and we work closely with each farmer to achieve their own environmental goals.

Here are just some of the measures we currently implement to lessen the farm’s environmental impact:

  • Minimal use of pesticides and fungicides across all crops
  • GPS auto-steer on all tractors and combines, to increase efficiency, minimise the use of diesel and lessen wear
  • We maximise the use of minimum tillage to reduce the work required to create a fine seedbed
  • Variable rate drilling and fertiliser applications keep inputs to a minimum, whilst maximising output and efficiency
  • Stubbles are left over winter wherever possible to provide food and habitats for wild birds and animals

Our commitment to farming in an environmentally sustainable way will always remain at the core of our business.

Crop sales and marketing

To spread risk whilst balancing profitability, crops are marketed through a combination of contract agreements and active open-market sales. We are responsible for grain marketing, with strategic support from CRM AgriCommodities.

Prior to agreeing trades with individual merchants or companies, the expected sales price is discussed and agreed with the other A P Innes’ directors and the farmer as required. The grain sales strategy is strongly linked to the business plan agreed between farmer and contractor, with crops moved throughout the year to maximise profit.

A sustainable and profitable future for your farm

Tell us about your farm

For more information about contract farming and how we can help you get in touch and tell us about your farm.